H-E-B Grocery Company Learning Plans Application
A reinvented digital experience for H-E-B Grocery Company partners to explore career opportunities and grow within the company.

Project Overivew
- Featuring 95+ career pathways throughout the application
- There are 3000+ learning development materials included
Career development and leadership pathway training are an integral philosophy within H-E-B grocery company and central to the talent development system, H-E-B iDevelop®, that the Branch team has developed for the organization.
Learning Plans are a series of highly curated digital training programs for all employees within the organization are able to participate in to develop and succeed within established pathways for career development over the course of their careers at H-E-B Grocery Company.
The Learning Plan portal is a custom application that forms part of the talent development suite, H-E-B iDevelop®, to enroll, track and distribute digital learning plans to employees within the organization for the purposes of career development. In parallel employee managers, leaders and talent acquisition stakeholders have direct lines of sight and communication into the career development pipeline to maximize their employees productivity and future prospects.